Over the summer, we invited all incoming first graders and their parents to attend Bedtime Storybook Night. Children were asked to wear their pajamas and bring their favorite stuffed animal.
As the night began, we introduced the families to the first grade teaching team. Then children were invited to sit up on the stage for a read aloud.
Before reading the book, I shared a little secret with the kiddos..."Teachers love books. All kinds of books. Sometimes they love a book so much they read it twice. Sometimes they love a book so much they read it over and over again."
I shard one of my favorite books, Ira Sleeps Over. We stopped to make predictions and discuss what Ira should do about his big decision as we read the story.
After the story wrapped up, we had a special gift to share with our new firsties. (Teachers began to pass out a gift-wrapped present to each child.) We counted backwards from 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Unwrap! Surprise! Students unwrapped their very own hard back copy of Mrs. Brooks Loves Books (and I Don't).
I hope that they love this book as much as I did...I hope they read it over and over again!
What would a bedtime story be without the snack? We concluded our evening with milk and cookies. It was a great first night with our new first graders!
This event was held as part of a school wide program to promote summer reading summer, reduce "summer slide", and build a sense of classroom community. To learn more about this project, read my post, One School, One Book.
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