
Thursday, July 2, 2015

20 Best Books for Kindergarteners

I'm dropping in today to share my most loved picture books for kindergarteners. This list represents my favorite authors, favorite characters, books that will appeal to both boys and girls, and a few the classics.  My children spent many hours reading these books, and I hope yours will too.  :)

There are so many fabulous books that are perfect to share with kindergarten students.  I had a difficult time choosing just twenty.  What books are on your list of favorites?

For more picture book ideas, be sure to visit Comprehension Connection and Reading Toward the Stars for their link-ups this week.  :)

Happy Reading!


  1. Wendy-So glad you linked up, but I need to give you the linky code. Everyone in The Reading Crew is a host...not just me. :-) I love all of your wonderful recommendations. Harry the Dirty Dog was a childhood favorite. :-)

  2. Love all of these books too! Thanks so much for linking up with us this week! What a great list of books!

    Reading Toward the Stars
